"And it came up from the Basement"

In honor of my Clue House starting up and since Halloween is just around the corner I figured I would volunteer to Hostess a Circle Swap for bloggers. I have seen several talk about it but I haven't seen one form yet. If there is one going on that this one will hinder please let me know and I will try it another time.
So here's how it works:
You sign up for the swap by emailing me at
afminimansion@gmail.com. Send me your NAME, PREFERRED EMAIL ADDRESS, PREFERRED MAILING ADDRESS and FAVORITE HALLOWEEN CHARACTER (just for fun and for your makers reference).
On August 25th I will announce the circle.... meaning that I will announce who you are making something for and who is making something for you. You will have until October 15th to make your mini object and then you must mail it so it gets there before Halloween. To participate you must have a blog or something like it, so people can see what you are interested in to help them make something for you.
The theme is "And it came up from the Basement". You can make anything you like within that theme. You make ONE item only so you can put your heart and soul into it. It must be something worth at least $15-$20 (meaning you would pay $15-$20 for if you saw it in a store). It must be 1/12th scale.
By signing up for this you COMMIT to following through and sending your mini-object to your circle swap person. You also need to understand that people live all over the world and that you may have to pay varying amounts of shipping costs depending on where your person is. The circle order will be chosen randomly so I have no control on where your person may be living.
Also, I will not be participating, I will merely be making sure everything is done on time and will do updates and checks on progress.
On October 10th I will contact everyone to see if they are on schedule for sending their package out. I will send up to 3 emails trying to contact a participant.... if you do not respond to any emails by the 14th... I will pass you by and have the person before you send directly to the person after you.
When you are finished with your mini-object please send me a photograph and I will post all the Circle Swap objects on this site for people to see the day after Halloween!
In order for this to happen we need to have at least 4 people sign up. And I will cut it off at 15 people.
If y'all have any questions please post a comment for everyone to see so I can clear things up.
Thanks! -Ara