The time has come and everything as finally come "Up from the basement!!" If you have no idea what I am talking about you can click
here and read about the swap that myself and 5 other bloggers have participated in.
And now for your viewing pleasure I present the swaps:
From Sans to Karin F.: Karin F. gave Sans a story of a party going on in a hollow pumpkin with brooms skattered everywhere. And this is what came of it:

Please visit Sans blog to see the
whole story of the 3 witchy women! Full color pictures and slow-mo effects are included! And Karin tells how the witches arrived to her home
From Karin F. to Jodi: Jodi's favorite Halloween characters included skeletons, ghosts and witches, yet little did she know Karin F. had the perfect character in mind for her:

Please visit Karin F's
blog to see more on how she created this delightful mop who's squinting from the light and Jodi's reaction to it! He now sits proudly on Jodi's Nightmare Before Christmas shelf!
Jodi to MiniKat: Minikat told us that she is planning someday to create a Haunted San Fran scene. Jodi sculpted this frightful lady:

Please visit MiniKats
Blog to see more on this ghostly lady. She has been given the honor of becoming the future mistress of the Haunted San Fran. And stay tuned to Jodi's blog for her post on this lady too!
MiniKat to Sans: Sans has one of the most interesting projects in Blogland... the Maharajahs Palace, and she told us her favorite Halloween characters were Dead Maharajahs!! Here is what MiniKat made for Sans:

This is actually the face of the goddess Kali. This bust was sculpted and hand painted by MiniKat herself. Please see MiniKats blog
here and stay tuned to Sans blog for a post on this rare mini!
Rosanna to Ara: I told Rosanna that my favorite Halloween characters were, of course, the Addams Family! And here's what she sent me!

I couldn't be more thrilled! The stitching even glows in the dark! Helpful on those picnics under the moon. Please see
my post or
Rosannas post on this beautifully haunting picnic set!
Ara to Rosanna: Rosanna told me that she liked pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns. And suddenly an idea sprang to mind, this guy:

I hope she still likes Jack-o-lanterns as the are crawling 'Up from the Basement!' Please check out my blog post
here for more pics of this guy!
Thank you all so much for participating! I know I had fun and was really challenged by having to think about what other people liked and how to bring that to life in miniature! Please leave a comment (whether you were a participant or not) if you liked doing this, if you have any suggestions on how to run this better, and if you would want to do participate in the future. I had fun hosting this swap and wouldn't mind doing it again if enough people were interested.
I must commend all 5 people who did this, everyone was on time and very responsive through the whole process and you made hosting this very easy (and from what I've read on other swap blogs this may be a first ever..... but its prob because mini people are just great people!!)
Thank you all again and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!